So, it's a bit of a surprise when twitter seems to be telling me that these women are not only wrong but stupid cos we 'don't understand feminism'. We have even been sympathised with for our lack of understanding in a very un-feminist way. A way that if men had spoken to women with the same tone they would have been slammed down. Apparently because it's other women we are supposed to be grateful for their help.
I have a couple of issues with all this. Firstly. What womenagainstfeminism indicates is that feminism has a PR issue. Like it or not there is a vocal element out there of women who are anti men, anti feminine, anti any kind of traditional role of women. To me this goes against one of the strengths of feminism of the past which was to empower women to make their own choices. And many women now choose to be feminine and to be stay at home mums who love their men and like being looked after. A modern woman choosing to stay home with her kids and cook for her man is a very different beast to a woman who has no other choice.
Secondly, we are told again and again that feminism is about equality. Everyone wants equality right!! Right. But what is equality? Is equality seeing as many women as men in high level positions, in media and politics or is it seeing as many women as men sweeping streets, picking up rubbish bins and wading in sewage? To me it's not equality if you only want to good stuff. How many feminists are out campaigning to see more male teachers or child care workers?
And can society ever be equal? Does the daughter of a politician have equal opportunity to the daughter of an unemployed aboriginal woman in outback Australia? Are feminists campaigning for these things too and is it even achievable. If they are why, is it still called Feminsm? Isn't the idea of true human equality egalitarianism? Or Humanism? What's 'feminine' about it. (I notice a lot of men call themselves feminists too)
Calling women idiots or saying they don't want equality is incorrect and insulting and very anti feminist. Women don't feel they need feminism because it's done it's job. Most of us feel we now have the power and education to make choices in our lives, at least as much as the men raised in our own social circles. Feminists should be proud of this, proud that women can go on a social networking platform and declare themselves strong and independent enough to speak out for themselves. If YOU feel you need it, fine, but it's wrong to push it on others, and it's even wronger to tell women they are idiots cos of their views.
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