Saturday, 7 June 2014

In pursuit of technical perfection

Recently, I decided I wanted a new compact camera. I have a good but large, and heavy Olympus camera that's a few years old now and the last two times I went on holiday I barely used it in favour of my iPhone. 
I'm no photography geek but I do like to take nice photos and the problem with the phone is 
A) using it as a camera all day means it goes flat quickly and
B) it's got a crap zoom

So, after a quick mooch a few weeks ago I realised that you can now buy cheap compact cameras with better specs than my 'Good' Olympus for less than $200. I thought 'Cool one of those will do' and then it starts.  

I go from thinking any cheap, reasonably good spec camera will do...then I see that some have wifi so suddenly that becomes essential.... Then I see that some have 20x zoom and suddenly that becomes essential and slowly but surely the price of my 'cheap' camera starts to rise.  The compulsory online research starts to consume me and the more I look the harder a simple decision becomes.   Have you ever looked at online reviews for things?  I have come to the conclusion that they are written by people like me who are quite possibly never going to be happy with what they have as long as the possibility for something better (and possibly cheaper) is out there. 

Anyway, have ended up buying this. 

And after playing with the wifi (I can upload straight to Facebook and send the photos to my phone) 
Which is excellent, I take the inevitable puppy photos and start to be wracked with post purchase guilt as the pics aren't as good as I thought...I do this with pretty much every gadget I buy by the way... I obsess and I compare and wish I'd bought something else.  Until that is I get bored and just use the damn thing quite happily. 

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