Thursday, 22 September 2011

A fellow Librarian recently alerted me to an article which says that the mind works best when it is wandering The article states that "Left to its own devices, our brain activates several areas associated with complex problem solving" this explains why I have most of my problem solving insights when in the shower. Even the idea for this blog post popped into my head whilst making a packet mix cake.

This is not always a good thing. For a start off it distracts ones brain from more pressing thoughts like why, once you turn 40 do random hairs appear on ones forehead, or today is a pupil free day and you don't need to take your son to school (don't worry, we realised when we got there and no-one was there) Then there are the practical considerations like how do you check your theory when you are naked and notebooks don't do well in water. Often the genius has gone by the time you have dried your hair and thats not good either.

So I have some thoughts on how to put this theory to practical use. My boss is always trying to get us to 'think outside the library.' So, I am proposing that she provide space for my brain to veg out. Maybe a masseur would do it, or a nice warm bath..... or cake....or Home and Away played in the background or..... geez, I had more ideas when I was mixing the cake......I think I'll go back to the cake.....

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